Wearing a Christian T-shirt is one of the easiest ways to open the door and share your faith with others. Matthew 5:16 says, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” God wants us to shine brightly for Him, not hide the reason for our hope and joy. Jesus said in Luke 11:33, “No one, when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a secret place or under a basket, but on a lampstand, that those who come in may see the light.” Wearing Christian apparel is one way that we can share the light of Christ. And sporting a shirt that displays a scripture or biblical truth stirs up curiosity about why you live the way you live and believe what you believe.
Non-Christians often have the idea that Christians think they’re perfect, but this T-shirt combats that idea in a fun and witty way while delivering truth at the same time. First, the shirt sends the message that Christians are not perfect which lines up with Ephesians 2:10: “For we are His workmanship.” If we were perfect, then God wouldn’t need to keep working on us! This message helps unbelievers to realize that they don’t need to be perfect for God either. This truth frees them to come to God just as they are.
This design also sends the message that Jesus died for imperfect people. This is the same message we find in Romans 5:8: “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” This is a powerful truth that is sure to get people thinking about how great God is to give His life for flawed people. This points others to God’s amazing love and grace.
I'd rather be Biblically correct:
If you’re known as a blatantly politically-incorrect person and you’re proud of it, then this is the shirt for you. In a world where political correctness is trying to take over not only common sense but also biblical morality, this shirt stands out and makes a strong statement.
As believers, we understand the importance of biblical truth; it really is the foundation of everything we believe. It’s why we vote the way we do, and it’s why we stand for what we believe. Christians understand that “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). If the Bible says it, then it’s settled; that’s the message this shirt sends.
I can do all things through Christ:
This Christian T-shirt communicates a powerful truth: with God, Christians can do all things! Nothing is out of reach! It’s a reminder that when we’re facing difficult circumstances or feeling overwhelmed by life, Christ is our strength. It’s like He’s our secret weapon, but it’s not such a secret anymore because our shirt tells it all.
When others see our courage and strength, they’ll understand where it comes from because of this powerful scripture that we’re sharing. This is a great way to give glory to God for all the things we’re able to accomplish because of His power at work in us.
One of the things that makes Christianity unique compared to other religions is that we believe our Savior conquered death, and He’s still alive! No other religion makes this claim. What a great way to showcase this belief with this scriptural truth in the shape of a cross!
The scripture quoted in this design is Matthew 28:6. These words were spoken by an angel to Mary when she arrived at the empty tomb and inquired where Jesus was. These words communicated an unexpected surprise: Jesus wasn’t dead; He was alive again! Additionally, the angel points out that Jesus predicted His own death and resurrection (although His disciples seemed to miss that part).
Without the resurrection, none of us has hope. So the fact that Jesus beat the grave and is alive gives us hope that we too will conquer death and live forever with Him. His victory is our victory! 1 Corinthians 15:55 states, “O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?” This is the message of the cross and this powerful T-shirt.
As you can see, sharing hope and truth with others doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it’s as easy as wearing one of the Christian T-shirts from our collection. It’s fun to wear something that grabs someone’s attention and opens up the chance for a conversation. In fact, 1 Peter 3:15 encourages believers to “… always be ready to give a defense [reason] to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you.” Who knows? Your T-shirt could be the start of a new life in Christ for someone who is looking for hope, strength and love.